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Refueling a Car


Our Mission

We founded PICA WA out of a pure passion for people. Our goals, ambitions and inspirations have come together to form a truly amazing association that all of us are proud to be a part of. We regularly go above and beyond to ensure our members receive the support, resources and opportunities they need to grow and prosper. To learn more about us, don’t hesitate to reach out - we’d love to hear from you.

Construction Worker


Excellent Deal

Construction Workers


Amazing Value

Group of Engineers


Great Benefits


Purposes of the Association

  • To encourage, foster and promote the interests of Contractors to the Petroleum Industry.

  • To join, affiliate and co-operate with the Association in promoting and advancing any movement for the betterment of the Petroleum Industry.

  • To represent and submit to government statutory bodies and other organisations any matter which will affect the interest of the Industry.

  • Members shall continually strive to improve our profession so that it may be of ever increasing benefit to the Industry, public and environment.

  • Members shall uphold these ethics by precept and example, and encourage by counsel and advice to other Members and their adherence to such standards.



The Petroleum Industry Contractors Association of WA (PICA WA) was incorporated in 1993 as the WA chapter of the National PICA Association. As suggested by the name, the Western Australian Chapter focuses on the needs of the local Industry.



  • PICA WA’s membership is made up of industry contactors, installers, suppliers and Government Instrumentalities whose main goal is to promote professionalism, education, safety, training and certification within the downstream petroleum industry.

  • Companies and individuals who are operating within the petroleum field, or who store and dispense flammable or combustible liquids, are entitled and encouraged to join PICA WA.

  • Please enquire through our email address for more details.  Alternatively you can visit



  • PICA WA has established itself as a voice between its members, regulatory bodies and petroleum marketers.

  • We have been able to assist in various group discussions to effect changes within our Industry to the benefit of all concerned.

  • PICA WA membership is increasingly a prerequisite for tank owners demanding proficient and professional contractors.

  • PICA WA has been instrumental in producing a number of guidance notes relating to best and safest practices in procedures for all facets of petroleum product, handling and storage (see below publication/promotions).



PICA WA will commence induction training classes for new inductees to the industry for its members in 2024. PICA WA also provides audits for its members to ensure continual compliance with the governing regulations.


Publications/ Promotions

PICA WA undertakes trade exhibitions for our members and industry associations on a regular basis. Our membership is well represented at industry trade shows nationally.
PICA WA has produced industry literature including:

  • Installation Check Lists;

  • Recommended Practice – RP001 Underground Tank Installations

  • Adhesive PICA WA Logos

  • Guidance Note 606 – Testing and maintenance of road tankers

  • Guidance Note 807 – Gas free and work permit procedures for road and rail tankers

  • Guidance Note 108 – Testing and maintenance of aviation fuel tankers

  • Guidance Note 511 – Responsible fuel handling and storage

  • Guidance Note 612 – Petroleum Industry Induction


A Community of Industry Professionals

If you aim to further your career and become one of the top professionals in your field.

Business Networking

Purposes of the Association

To establish strength and unity in working toward common goals and  promote the well being of our members.

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